Main Menu & Settings UI

When you authenticate with the bot, you will be greeted with the main menu with the following options. Simply press the number, then press Enter to select the option:

1 - Start Tasks: Select this option to start your tasks. It will pull your profile and product information from profiles.csv and pull your proxies from proxies.txt to run your tasks

3 - Configure Harvester Count: Select this option to be prompted with a question to set the number of harvesters you would like to run. Only affects Shopify and Yeezy Supply as they are the only sites that utilize harvesters. Keep in mind this cannot be changed as tasks are running.

4 - Configure Autosolve: Select this option to configure your API key and access token for AutoSolve on Yeezy Supply. Instructions for how to configure AutoSolve are located here.

5 - Open Settings UI: Select this option to open up the Settings UI. This can be done at any time, including when tasks are running:

  1. Input your new, desired delay (in milliseconds) to be applied whenever desired in tasks. It's best practice to not change this when the mass change is active.

  2. When this is on (default is OFF), the delay in Box #1 will override Monitor Delay in all tasks.

  3. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET This option will lower delays a few seconds before xx:00:00 (end of the hour) - a common release time for many Shopify websites

  4. SHOPIFY ONLY Input a new link here to override Shopify tasks' monitor input (Only applies to tasks running both on the same domain AND with a link in Keyword column). Press button #6 to apply.

  5. SHOPIFY ONLY Input a new set of keywords to override Shopify tasks' monitor input (Only applies to tasks with keywords in Keyword column). Press button #6 to apply.

  6. SHOPIFY ONLY This button will apply the new desired link and/or Keyword depending if which field(s) are filled.

  7. SHOPIFY ONLY Input text here to inject as a password for Shopify sites. Press button #7 to apply.

  8. SHOPIFY ONLY This button will apply the desired password in Field #7 to all Shopify tasks.

8 - Set Webhook: Select this option to be prompted for an input to send checkout and decline notifications to a Discord webhook. Refer to here if you need assistance retrieving a webhook.

9 - Exit: Select this option at any time to exit out the bot, then press ENTER to confirm. Exiting this way is preferred over pressing the X, as it closes the background processes more effectively.

Last updated