How to make profiles (ADDRESS)

We suggest to use Rons CSV Editor, found at to make these changes!

First and Last name

When making profiles within the csv for trickle. The first and last name should be seperated within the two columns labeled as FIRST NAME and LAST NAME.


Within this category, you will want to input your email and profile. When inputting your profile, do not include the country code!

You will notice for the phone number there is no country code nor is there any parentheses or dashes! Ensure your number is just the numbers without any of those other formatting styles included!


Address 1

Address 1 is a required field for you to input. This simply will be your house number and street address.

Address 2

Address 2 is an optional field. Address 2 is used for people who live in an apartment or have shipments sent to places with units. This is a very popular method people use for jigging their addresses! Things to be put in this field are apartment number, unit numbers, room numbers as well as many other things.


The state section is simply the state or region that your orders should be sent to. Within the state section, you should always use the abbreviated version of the name. For example, you wouldn't use New York, but instead NY. For California you use CA and for Texas, you would use TX. You would input the states in as capital letters.

List of Prefectures/Regions for JP
  • 北海道

  • 青森県

  • 岩手県

  • 宮城県

  • 秋田県

  • 山形県

  • 福島県

  • 茨城県

  • 栃木県

  • 群馬県

  • 埼玉県

  • 千葉県

  • 東京都

  • 神奈川県

  • 新潟県

  • 富山県

  • 石川県

  • 福井県

  • 山梨県

  • 長野県

  • 岐阜県

  • 静岡県

  • 愛知県

  • 三重県

  • 滋賀県

  • 京都府

  • 大阪府

  • 兵庫県

  • 奈良県

  • 和歌山県

  • 鳥取県

  • 島根県

  • 岡山県

  • 広島県

  • 山口県

  • 徳島県

  • 香川県

  • 愛媛県

  • 高知県

  • 福岡県

  • 佐賀県

  • 長崎県

  • 熊本県

  • 大分県

  • 宮崎県

  • 鹿児島県

  • 沖縄県


Within this section, you will simply put the name of the city that the shipment will be sent to.


Within this section, you will put the zip code or postcode that the shipment will be going to. Ensure that your zip code matches the one that is tied to your payment method. Many sites will decline you if the zip code you put in this field doesn't match the one tied to your card.

9 digit zip codes are fully supported by us, however may cause issues on certain sites, one being Walmart.


When running on Trickle you will use the two-letter abbreviation of your country. Currently, we support only US, CA, JP, and UK.


Last updated